Looking For Business? Five Ways To Update Your LinkedIn Profile

Looking for business? Five Ways To Update Your LinkedIn Profile

Looking For Business? Five Ways To Update Your LinkedIn Profile

By Sue Ellson Author of ‘120 Ways To Achieve Your Purpose With LinkedIn

1. Update your LinkedIn URL so you appear in Google Search Results
2. Update your Settings for your Business Goals
3. Complete your Personal Profile for your Business Goals
4. Create and/or Update your Company Profile and Post Monthly
5. Reach out personally to people you are already connected to



Hi there! My name is Sue Ellson and I’m the author of ‘120 Ways To Achieve Your Purpose With LinkedIn‘ and today I’d like to ask you the question Are you looking for business? and I’d like to share with you five ways you can update your LinkedIn presence.

I’m going to run through how to update your LinkedIn URL so that you can appear in Google search results, how to update your settings for your business goals, how to complete your personal profile for your business goals, how to create and/or update your Company profile and post to it monthly and I’m also going to encourage you to reach out personally to people you are already connected to as we all know in business that most of the business comes from previous customers.

So let’s start off with the first tip and how to edit your public profile URL and you can do that here by clicking the pin and changing it just to your name if it’s available or if it hasn’t already been done or you can add in a dash if that’s not available or a number at the end and then choosing Save.

The second one is to adjust your settings. So for that, we go off of the main menu to Settings and Privacy and in here under Privacy you can choose who can see your email address I’ve chosen everyone on LinkedIn, you can choose who can see your Connections, I’ve chosen all of my Connections can see who I’m connected to, but you may prefer to make that only you so that only your shared Connections will also see who you are connected to.

You can also change this setting to viewers of this profile also viewed to no, you can leave it yes when it’s late at night and you want to check out who your competitors are but for most of the time, I encourage you to leave that one turned to no.

I’m also going to encourage you to let people see your last name and definitely to represent your organization, make sure that one is turned to yes.

The next part I’m going to go through is looking at your own personal profile here on LinkedIn. So for me, you can see I’ve got my business entity logos as my banner on the background above my photograph, my photograph is aligned to the people who would be interested in purchasing my services also under contact information you can see that I’ve listed my websites in here so that people can access those and I’ve also included some media after my roles so that there’s a bit more color and flavor in there.

And then obviously for the 120 Ways Publishing role, I’ve got all those details in plus copies of the videos so that’s a few of the things that you can change on your profile for your business goals. Now as you can see, I have a Company Profile and I can click to access that from the logo here and my company profile has been completed with a banner in the background and with all the details filled in as well as a description and I’ve also included in here a call to action ‘what to do now’ – please follow our company profile or visit our website or follow us on the socials also the website addresses in there and keywords and so on.

So I really encourage you to fill in all those details on your company profile and I also encourage you to be posting at least once a month and putting something up on here. This is an image with details of the last video that I prepared so that’s an example of something that you could perhaps also put on your Company page.

Now the fifth tip was to reach out to people that you’re already connected to so if you click on My Network you’ll be able to click and see all of the people that you’re connected to you can see I’ve got just over 13,000 now a lot of these people because I run networks are not personally known to me but if you do know people personally then I really encourage you to follow up with them and let them know where you’re at with your business and ask how you could help them as well alternatively.

You can do some quite comprehensive searches for people on LinkedIn by clicking that top box and then choosing some of the choices here. I find LinkedIn is an amazing research tool for finding people that you may be able to do business with on LinkedIn and finally as you’ve stayed through to almost the end of the video, I’m going to share another piece with you and this is an article I wrote on LinkedIn I’ll be putting the link in the notes on the video of 20 ways your employees can support your business on LinkedIn and why they should and this goes through a range of other steps for you to consider particularly when it gets down here where I provide specific instructions on how you can update your Company profile and get other employees to help you out so that’s your bonus link for watching.

So for more information on me and books that I’ve written please visit 120wayspublishing.com and you’re also welcome to subscribe to this YouTube Channel. Bye for now.

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