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LinkedIn for me and my career
or business

Finalist The Australian Career Book Award 2023

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LinkedIn for me and my career or business By Sue Ellson
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A Word From The Author


Sue Ellson is an author, educator, consultant and poet. She is also a gigster, a person who uses technology to attract aligned gigs and former banker. Sue provides teaching, training, speaking and consulting services to individuals, small, medium and large businesses, corporates, schools, universities, associations and government in Australia and overseas. 

She is the author of five non-fiction books and her next two books will be poetry books. 

Since completing her university studies, she has been attending up to four events every week to keep herself up to date. Sue is also the Founder of Newcomers Network. After hours, Sue enjoys catching up with family and friends, walking and dancing.

Sue Ellson
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Five Non Fiction Books

Tried and True
Tips and Techniques

Providing practical strategies and tactics you can implement!

LinkedIn for me and my career of business by Sue Ellson
Gigsters - Any Age or Ability Employees, Experts and Entrepreneurs
120 Ways To Market Your Business Hyper Locally by Sue Ellson
120 Ways To Attract The Right Career Or Business by Sue Ellson
120 Ways To Achieve Your Purpose With LinkedIn by Sue Ellson

What Readers Are Saying

Insights from others…

LinkedIn for me and my career or business‘ has over 400 pages of useful, actionable & practical tips for any user.

I have followed Sue Ellson on LinkedIn for the last 2-3 years and have learned a lot from her there. But I am very happy to now have at my finger tips this book which is a collection of her “tried and true tips and techniques”, as the book subtitle suggests.

I wish I had this book when I first started out. But I can already see in the table of contents and appendices that there is still so much I can still learn.

Every possible question you have about LinkedIn and how to use it is answered in clearly organized sections. Thanks Sue for putting all this wisdom into 1 book.

Nigel Daly PhD
Nigel Daly PhD

Coach, Writer and Applied Linguistics Researcher

To a baby boomer that’s been asleep for 20 years, the term ‘gigster’ might sound like a cross between gangster and hipster. 

But no blood relationship running there.

Sue Ellson’s book ‘Gigsters‘ is actually a user friendly ride through the workplace and life choices we have now like never before. 

This book takes the daunting out of digital and provides some helpful advice to navigating our way and careers in the modern world, with a full head of steam.

Entrepreneurship is now far more accessible to all. Read Sue’s book to find out where, why and how.

Peter Wilson

Chair and President, CPA Australia

The ‘Gigsters‘ book is not just a teckfest; it encourages integrating hard knowledge with understanding and living your personal values as crucial to your gigster fulfilment. 

Most people go down the gigster path to be their own boss – so why would you be your own worst boss?

There’s plenty of intuition, creativity, and fun (and poetry!) in the book. The descriptions of the 12 Gigster Types invite you to figure out what type of gigster you are. 

There are plenty of targeted exercises throughout the book to focus thinking on the next stage. 

Lawrence Arnold FRSA
Lawrence Arnold FRSA

Award Convenor, Australian Career Book Award

There are a lot of personal stories in ‘120 Ways To Attract The Right Career Or Business‘ and I commend Sue for that because it’s pretty hard to do. It really is a business coaching journal and manual in one.

The concept of capital and the seven different forms of capital that are in there: social, intellectual, cultural, financial, gratitude, relationship and influence, and these are all things you need to develop if you’re looking for a job or looking to start of business.

The final thing was the values of how it’s important with anything you do, whether it’s a job or a business, that it aligns with your important values.

Rob Chiarolli
Rob Chiarolli

Strategic Results Business Coach, Speaker and Trainer

Poems for lovers to read to each other By Sue Ellson
Poems for me to truly be By Sue Ellson

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