Changing Your Career? Five Ways To Adjust Your LinkedIn Profile
By Sue Ellson – Author of ‘120 Ways To Achieve Your Purpose With LinkedIn‘
1. Update your headline with new keywords
2. Include your new keywords more frequently
3. Adjust your Skills and Endorsements
4. Update your Career Interests
5. Reach out to new Mentors and Advisors
Hi there my name is Sue Ellson and I’m the author of 120 Ways To Achieve Your Purpose With LinkedIn and today I’d like to discuss Changing Your Career and 5
ways that you can adjust your LinkedIn profile.
The first one is to update your headline with your new keywords.
Second, include your new keywords more frequently.
Third adjust your skills and endorsements.
Fourth update your career interests and fifth reach out to new mentors and advisors.
So let’s start with the headline. You can see my headline is directly underneath my name here and by updating that on my mobile device I’ve got nearly 200 characters there or on a desktop or laptop computer you have a 120 characters so if you’re changing your career you need to include the relevant words in there and for today’s example I’m going to mention this word trainer and show you how I’ve added that training word into my profile in multiple locations so that I can actually come up in search results for training rather than just consulting.
So the next thing is include your keywords more frequently. So you’ll see that that word trainer appears many times on my LinkedIn profile and not just in the top job but also as we scroll through you’ll see it’s in some of my other roles as well and you’ll also find that the word will actually appear in the text of my experience section as well. So you’ll see that that is appearing more frequently.
Next these skills and endorsements and further down the skills and endorsements will have the top three and then the others broken up into industry knowledge, interpersonal skills and other skills so if you’re changing your career you might wish to change some of these.
You might wish to delete some of them or you might like to reshuffle them using the little hamburger on the side here so what I’m going to do is I’m going to scroll down to my interpersonal skills and training delivery is further down so I’m just going to grab this and drag it up sort of more to the top of the list there and choose save. So you can adjust those skills and endorsements.
The next one I’ll look at is your Career Interests.
So from the Jobs menu on the top click on Career Interests and in here you can describe a little bit more about the types of roles the new roles that you’re seeking and also the industries that you prefer.
Finally you might like to reach out to some people who’ve been involved in training and you can see here by putting in training it’s bringing up some companies some schools and I could also look for people so if I click on the magnifying glass I can click people and then I can potentially reach out to other people who are involved in training as well and discuss with them some options for a training career.
I trust you find that’s helpful.
If you’d like more information, you can check out my books, you can subscribe to this YouTube channel at youtube.com/@120wayspublishing and you can buy my books online. Bye for now.