The Story Of Gigsters – Any Age or Ability Employees, Experts and Entrepreneurs

The Story of the Book \’Gigsters – Any Age or Ability Employees, Experts and Entrepreneurs\’ by Sue Ellson

Compiled by Sue Ellson

Written in reverse chronological order and detailing the journey of this book and how it came to be and what has happened along the way! Happy reading!

Sue\’s goal when sharing this book through various channels is to ensure that as many people as possible gain access to this information before the \’future of work\’ arrives and it is \’too late\’ for people who have not kept learning or adapting to the changing world of work and have lost the ability to secure or attract aligned gigs.

Gigsters – Any Age or Ability
Employees, Experts and Entrepreneurs

31/10/2019 Gigsters book (digital PDF edition) made fully available to academic researchers on ResearchGate

30/10/2019 Gigsters book (digital PDF edition) made fully available to Weployees using the

26/10/2019 Gigsters book author Sue Ellson acknowledged with a Significant Service Convenor\’s Citation from Lawrence Arnold FRSA for services to The Australian Career Book Award in 2018 and 2019 as a Judge in 2019 and for providing marketing and media services in 2018 and 2019.


19/09/2019 Gigsters paperback book given to all conference participants (300 people) at the Career Development Association of Australia CDAA National Conference in Canberra, ACT, Australia by donation from the author, Sue Ellson.


27/08/2019 Gigsters book entered in the Australian Business Book Awards 2019

25/07/2019 The #Gigster Series – Entrepreneur Gigster Types Featured on the Weploy Blog (third of three blogs)

04/07/2019 The #Gigster Series – Expert Gigster Types Featured on the Weploy Blog (second of three blogs)


04/07/2019 Gigsters book announced as one of six finalists in The Australian Career Book Awards 2019


04/06/2019 Sent off the Gigsters book for the Australian Career Book Awards supported by the RSA (Royal Society for the encouragement of Arts, Manufactures and Commerce) initiated by Lawrence Arnold FRSA and Philipa Duthie and to be judged by fellow Award Committee Members June Smith, Kaye Nolan, Sandy Hutchison and Warren Frehse.

Australian Career Book Awards – Gigsters Book by Sue Ellson Entry 2019

03/06/2019 Gigsters! Interviewed by Jill Weeks from Where2Now

02/06/2019 The #Gigster Series – Employee Gigster Types Featured on the Weploy Blog (first of three blogs)

17/05/2019 Book Launch held at the Wheeler Centre, 176 Little Lonsdale Street, Melbourne 5:30pm – 7:00pm

17/05/2019 Book Launch announced on and Help a Reporter

15/05/2019 Featured on \’New to View\’ on the Australian Society of Authors website

13/05/2019 Book Release announced in a press release via the Newsmaker Service

13/05/2019 Book Launch announced on Melbourne\’s City of Literature What\’s On Calendar, Social Change Central and Writers\’ Victoria Members Noticeboard

08/05/2019 Book Launch announced on Centre for Adult Education (CAE) Facebook Page

07/05/2019 Book Launch email invitation sent and announced on Networking Women and Get Business

06/05/2019 Book Launch announced on Weekend Notes

02/05/2019 Book Launch announced on Silicon Beach Calendar

01/05/2019 Dymocks Camberwell and Tooronga confirmed as book sellers at the Gigsters Book Launch

30/04/2019 Book Launch announced on City of Melbourne What\’s On

29/04/2019 Book Launch announced on various websites including National Careers WeekAmazon, Goodreads, Medianet Media Events Calendar, Meetup, Google Events and the Victorian Government\’s Digital Innovation Festival

23/04/2019 Weploy confirmed as an official supporter of the Gigsters Book Launch

16/04/2019 Gigsters Book is released at the DM Forum and 30 copies are given to guests at the event at Monash University Conference Centre, Level 7, 30 Collins Street Melbourne, Victoria, Australia, 3000 – special thanks to Frank Chamberlin for the invitation


16/04/2019 First 100 books arrive from printer, Ingram Spark


15/04/2019 The Wheeler Centre confirmed as the venue for the Gigsters Book Launch on 17/05/2019 at 5:30pm

11/04/2019 Sent completed book of 47,000 words to Ingram Spark for printing

31/03/2019 Completed first 25,000 words of Gigsters book

03/09/2018 Started writing main content of Gigsters book

02/09/2018 Added content from seminars to post-it-notes for inclusion in Gigsters book

31/08/2018 Reorganised post-it-notes by chapter and started writing Acknowledgements. Started five day writing retreat at Island Breeze, Cowes, Phillip Island

09/07/2018 Created social media profiles and website

02/07/2018 Met with John Trevorrow, accomplished Editor for mentoring and professional advice

06/06/2018 Domain name registered, planning outline started, confirmed first media release distribution, confirmed Peter Wilson as first distinguished book reviewer

22/10/2017 First notes started and title confirmed and ISBN registered

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