LinkedIn for me and my career or business

Published: 23 November 2022
Published by: 120 Ways Publishing
Author: Sue Ellson
Book Number: 5
ISBN 10: 0-6484775-0-1
ISBN 13: 978-0-6484775-0-1 (Print)
to come (ePub)
to come (PDF)
Edition: 1 Edition
Format: Paper Book, ePub, PDF
Print Length: 280 pages
Language: English
Amazon ASIN: To come
Dewey Class: to come
Background Story: Details of writing, printing, book launch and distribution to come
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Audio Version (to come): AUD9.99
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‘LinkedIn for me and my career or business’ is for:
- understanding how you can use LinkedIn effectively
- clarifying your values, strengths and context
- effectively engaging with people and content
- curating and creating relevant content
- attracting the right career or work
- sourcing the right leads, sales and results for business or enterprise
- ethically achieving your goals and outcomes
- creating and maintaining a network of opportunities and referrals
- making the right choices for you
It includes information for:
- students, job seekers and career changers
- freelancers, gigsters, entrepreneurs and business owners
- tradespeople and specialist practitioners
- advisors, consultants and thought leaders
- community groups and professional associations
- not-for-profit collectives, groups and enterprises
- schools, colleges and universities
- career development practitioners and social media professionals
This thorough, practical and detailed guide provides you with the key strategies and techniques, based on your goals and aspirations (even if they change in the future), that you can implement today.
Get started and take action now!
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**Online LinkedIn course at
Are you aware that you can use your skills, knowledge, networks and technology to attract aligned gigs?
Do you understand that your values, strengths and context can help you make better work choices in the future?
Are you willing to learn specific gigster competencies, super powers and money mastery skills to live a more aligned life?
Now is the time to re-think and re-design your future and embrace the concept of becoming a gigster, regardless of your age or ability.
After all, life is like a box of projects – and you can co-create the ones you get, as an employee, an expert or an entrepreneur.
Gigsters shows you how you can be your own kind of multi-dimensional peculiar, starting today!
This book is for you if you are considering:
- freelance, fractional or contingent work
- a side hustle, new career, special hobby
- self-employment, becoming a solopreneur
- sole practitioner, consultant or independent contractor
- developing a startup business, passive income, asset development model
- becoming a founder of a social enterprise or a world revolution
- reinventing the way you work both today and tomorrow
**Special free bonus offers at
Buy the book ‘LinkedIn for me and my career or business\’ here
Chapter Outline
Dedication v
Reviews v
Acknowledgements vii
Contents viii
Preface x
- What is LinkedIn?
1.1 LinkedIn Network
1.2 LinkedIn Features - LinkedIn Offering
2.1 Benefits of LinkedIn
2.2 LinkedIn Hang Ups
2.3 Before you Start, Backup First - Getting Started on LinkedIn
3.1 Decision-Making Framework – Values, Strengths, Context
3.2 Why you Need to Complete your LinkedIn Profile
3.3 Your Current LinkedIn Statistics and Goals - Priority Settings on your LinkedIn Profile
- Searches, Keywords, Algorithms and Hacks
5.1 Searches
5.1.1 Location
5.1.2 Name
5.1.3 Value Offering
5.1.4 Business or Enterprize Name
5.1.5 LinkedIn or Google Searches
5.2 Keywords
5.2.1 Finding Primary and Secondary Keywords
5.2.2 Selecting your Secondary Keywords
5.2.3 Repeating your Keywords
5.2.4 Location of your Keywords
5.3 Algorithms
5.4 Hacks - Your Personal LinkedIn Profile
6.1 Your Name
6.2 Profile Photo
6.3 Background Image
6.4 Headline
6.5 Contact Info
6.6 About / Summary
6.7 Featured
6.8 Experience
6.9 Education
6.10 Licenses and Certifications
6.11 Volunteer Experience
6.12 Skills and Endorsements
6.13 Recommendations
6.14 Organizations
6.15 Honors and Awards
6.16 Publications
6.17 Languages
6.18 Projects
6.19 Courses
6.20 Test Score
6.21 Patent
6.22 Interests - Company, Showcase or School Pages
7.1 Page Details
7.2 Page Statistics, Records and Analyticss
7.3 Page Activity
7.4 Leadership Updates
7.5 Strategy Reviews
7.6 Career Pages, Job Advertisements and Business Solutions
7.7 Enterprize Housekeeping
7.7 Employee Engagement and Support
7.8 Company Branding - Groups
8.1 Group Messaging - Engaging on LinkedIn
9.1 Why is Engagement Important?
9.2 Engagement Strategies
9.3 Content Sharing Ideas
9.4 Making Posts Go Further
9.5 Video Content
9.6 Search Engine Optimizing Articles - Jobs and Careers
10.1 Job Seeking Preferences
10.2 Optimizing your LinkedIn Profile and Online Presence
10.3 Searching for a Job
10.4 Applying for Jobs on LinkedIn
10.5 Preparing for Job Interviews
10.6 Accepting a Job - Business and Enterprize
11.1 Completing the LinkedIn Company Page
11.2 Abiding by the LinkedIn User Agreement – Do Not\’s
11.3 Do\’s on LinkedIn for Business
11.4 Asking for a Sale
11.5 What is a Sale? - Final Comments
Appendix 1 – LinkedIn Profile Information to Collect
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Hi there my name is Sue Ellson and I’m the author of LinkedIn for me and my career or business.
This is my fifth book and I’m super excited.
Bye for now
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