Book Reviews Of 120 Ways To Achieve Your Purpose With LinkedIn

Reviews Of The Book \’120 Ways To Achieve Your Purpose With LinkedIn\’ by Sue Ellson

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Here is a list of some of the previous reviews that have been received

04/01/2019 by Mariana Moreira on LinkedIn – Five Stars ★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I would like to congratulate you for the great tips and information you provide in your book “120 ways to achieve your purpose with LinkedIn. It’s been a great and challenging journey for my profile and myself.
Response from Sue Ellson: Thank you Mariana, I am so glad you have found the book helpful and I wish you every success in the future. Sue Ellson ?

10/04/2018 by Jacquie Wise on Amazon – Five Stars   ★ ★ ★ ★ ★
She doesn\’t waste anybody\’s time with waffle – Sue is practical and to the point. She doesn\’t waste anybody\’s time with waffle, and everything she says is worth gold. I have referred many people to Sue to help them with their LinkedIn profiles, and they are as happy as I am. Sue is very good at personal branding. thank you Sue!

16/02/2018 by Martin Healey on Amazon – Five Stars   ★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I highly recommend this book if you’re looking to put yourself on the LinkedIn map. It’s a thorough and comprehensive guide to developing your profile, using performance tools, and generally squeezing out all the goodness that LinkedIn has to offer. If you think this book might be an alternative to a Help file, then think again; it would be better described as a guide to living life to the full, albeit in the context of the LinkedIn App. Just as important as her technical suggestions, are Sue’s practical suggestions around developing your life, work and LinkedIn purpose. Sue’s passion and experience shines through in her thoughtful and well written text. The wealth of material contained within these pages mean that several chapters could justify being published as books in their own right. Buy this book and read it only when you have the energy to soak up its contents and apply its valuable lessons. Make sure you have your computer by your side.

14/08/2017 by David Cayzer via 120 Ways Publishing Website (below) – Five Stars ★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Sue Ellson\’s Career Development for the Over 40\’s at Fitzroy Library was valuable, stimulating and thought provoking-and particularly inventive to partner with the local public library, and on Saturday morning as well . I\’ve since ordered one of her books through my local library.
Response from Sue Ellson: Thank you David, I appreciate your feedback and I trust you enjoy the book as well! Cheers, Sue Ellson ?

04/04/2016 by Kevin Kosky on Amazon – Five Stars   ★ ★ ★ ★ ★

Very useful Linkedin Manual This is the go to manual for anything I need to do in Linkedin (which is a lot!) The information is set out logically and I can see this will be a valuable asset for me to use to improve my business.

Response from Sue Ellson: Thanks Kevin Kosky for your review of \’120 Ways To Achieve Your Purpose With LinkedIn.\’ I am glad to hear that you found the information was set out logically and that it will be a valuable asset for your business. I wish you every success! Sue Ellson 🙂

04/04/2016 by Paul Hutchison on Google

I really enjoyed this book – and, more importantly, my yellow highlighter pen saw a lot of action as I marked one immediately actionable point after another.

The author has done a great job in assembling a huge amount of both strategic and tactical information on how to use LinkedIn properly. She covers the very essence of networking (in personal, professional and social networks) – and zeroes in on how to create and optimise a great LinkedIn profile (and there’s more to it than stuffing it full of keywords!).

From a job hunting perspective, the information on ‘doing it right’ is gold – and the summary of all 120 steps at the end of the book is a valuable checklist for making the most of LinkedIn. These cover many different aspects, from personal reflection on defining your purpose to using special LinkedIn tools for attracting opportunities.

A good read, with very useful information accessible via one of the most comprehensive index sections I have seen. Recommended.

Response from Sue Ellson: Thanks Paul for your review and I am pleased to hear that you found so many relevant action steps for your purpose! Yes, the book was written with the clear concepts of both strategy and tactics with an overarching principle of networking.  I absolutely agree that you need to do a lot more than stuff your LinkedIn Profile with keywords – making sure that your message is clear to the reader is extremely important. Doing things right always works – sneaky tricks may work in the short term but they usually backfire at some point in the future. I am also pleased to hear that you found the information both useful and accessible and the Index section took five full days to complete – and was designed to be a useful tool for re-finding information after reading or skimming the book. Sue Ellson 🙂

04/04/2016 by Shelley Rodriguez on LinkedIn

True to form, Sue Ellson, has once more excelled. Concentrating a wealth of knowledge gained over many years of maximising LinkedIn’s resources, while building and expanding her professional brand and influence, into the first of a series of books designed to offer the reader an opportunity to transform their professional LinkedIn profiles to greatest effect.

‘120 Ways To Achieve Your Purpose With LinkedIn’ takes the reader through 120 clearly articulated actions, drawing on personal experience and anecdotal accounts of client challenges and outcomes to demonstrate the premise behind each action. Sue leads the reader through processes designed to ensure maximum impact. Whether novice or experienced; networker or collaborator; job seeker, volunteer or recruiter; early, mid or late career; start up or international corporation; entrepreneur or innovator; government or non-government; profit or non-profit organisation. The unique profiler need is considered, potential purpose discussed, suggestions offered and recommendations made for achieving maximum benefit. All supported with links to the many LinkedIn resources’ web pages where the reader can access more information or begin to act upon specific action recommendations.

Encouraging critical assessment of individual purpose, Sue challenges the reader frequently to align their profile to their personal values and sense of purpose. Acknowledging the difficulty attached to achieving this process when an individual’s career history may not reflect their desired purpose. Offering insightful comments towards remedying these anomalies ‘120 Ways To Achieve Your Purpose With LinkedIn’ provides access to LinkedIn’s many special features, suggests how to utilise these features to maximum effect, offers tips and techniques toward attaining goals and recommends different professional organisations that may be of assistance to the reader in understanding how best to address bridging these gaps. This information is strategically placed throughout the book and summarised towards the end along with the full list of actions and how to access the various bonus tools referred to throughout the book via The 120 Ways Publishing Membership program at

A thoughtfully constructed and systematically approached LinkedIn guide for the professional networker that exceeds anything I’ve seen to date. ‘120 Ways To Achieve Your Purpose With LinkedIn’ is a ‘must read!

Response from Sue Ellson: Thank you Shelley for this glowing review! Building a professional brand and influence is very important in our \’Attention Economy\’ where people are more likely to secure opportunities if they come to the \’attention\’ of people looking for their goods or services. A critical assessment of your purpose will make it much quicker and easier to update your LinkedIn Profile for your purpose. Professional networking is within everyone\’s reach with LinkedIn. Sue Ellson 🙂

31/03/2016 by Rod Stumbles on Amazon – Four Stars   ★ ★ ★ ★

A strategic, purposive, values-based approach to LinkedIn use – Sue obviously has a great deal of experience with LinkedIn and her book is a handy resource with some really handy, practical tips. However, this is not just a book of handy tips. It is a book which will challenge readers to develop a strategic, purposive, values-based approach to LinkedIn use. A good read for anyone wanting to develop quality real estate on LinkedIn. – Rod Stumbles, Commercial Lawyer

Response from Sue Ellson: Thanks Rod – and yes, I have had a lot of experience with LinkedIn! Yes, I am aware that the content will challenge some readers and for good reason – I want readers to get the best results! Securing quality real estate on LinkedIn is vital in today\’s online world – I am pleased to hear you using the lingo! Sue Ellson 🙂

31/03/2016 by Bala K Balasubramaniam on Amazon – Five Stars   ★ ★ ★ ★ ★

This is my first Book about LinkedIn. What a Great Resource with action points not few action steps, with more than 100 action steps. This is really important for those who learn and take action to see more positive results. This is not a book just to learn, this is the Book to increase your credentials and earning potentials. Further some LinkedIn tools attached are another Grate Value. I am very positive that I will achieve my objectives including, increasing earning potentials. Special Thanks to Ms Sue Ellson for writing this (Resourceul)Excellent Book.

Response from Sue Ellson: Thank you Bala K Balasubramaniam for your review! Yes, the action steps are just the main point from each section. The book was definitely written with a focus on increasing your credentials and earning potential around your chosen purpose. The LinkedIn tools are not always widely known but are a great value add. I encourage you to keep taking your own action steps now and in the future and to keep utilising the resources in the book (the Index is a handy reference tool as well). Sue Ellson 🙂

21/03/2016 by Max Berry via Amazon – Five Stars  ★ ★ ★ ★ ★

Practical guide to a powerful network – 120 Ways To Achieve Your Purpose with LinkedIn is a practical guide to an extraordinarily powerful online network for anyone seeking to take the next steps in their careers or business, authored by someone who not only knows her immediate subject thoroughly but, as a careers adviser and human resources professional, has much career and life wisdom to impart as well.

Response from Sue Ellson: Thank you for your review! Yes, having experience as both a careers adviser and human resources professional has given me a unique view on how to use LinkedIn to help a person achieve their purpose. I have also included a lot of information about business and enterprise too! Sue Ellson 🙂

A practical guide to a rich resource

My first thoughts on seeing the title of this guide to the powerful career networking site is that if there are indeed 120 Ways with LinkedIn then that’s too many!

Self-help and ‘how-to’ books generally have manageable numbers in their titles like ‘The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People’; the number 20 seems to be a favourite of self-help authors too.

But the title of Sue Ellson’s highly readable and practical guide to LinkedIn does point to the richness of the site, which has, in recent years, evolved from a career networking site to become also a publishing and content marketing platform.

I had no idea, for example, that LinkedIn had acquired the news service Pulse and also features content from training provider These are powerful resources which are probably unknown to a high proportion of the millions of LinkedIn users worldwide. Those who are even passively job-searching or contemplating their next career move would do well to consider if they are making the best use of their LinkedIn profiles.

As someone who has just completed a second tertiary qualification, Sue’s suggestion on maximising the opportunity presented by LinkedIn’s education section is valuable advice. She points out that just naming the subjects in a course makes a valuable list of keywords that an employer or potential client may use when conducting candidate searches. Yet the education section is often overlooked by LinkedIn users, who get as far as naming the degree and institution.

Many education institutions have university profiles, alumni groups and company pages. Depending on your objectives, it may be useful to act on all three: join the alumni group, follow the company and select the university profile from a drop-down menu.

LinkedIn has been cited in a major newspaper recently as ‘the world’s most annoying social media network’ (or words to that effect) and Sue includes her own response to those people who send standard ‘connect’ requests to people they don’t know.
‘One of the most hated LinkedIn behaviours is people who ask to connect with you via a standard rote message and then immediately email you with a standard sales message … I report these people immediately and delete the connection – no second chances from me!’ Sue declares.

Some of Sue’s advice goes beyond LinkedIn and comes down to life skills, especially for entrepreneurs. Avoid ‘saving cents and wasting dollars’, Sue advises when considering whether to outsource tasks. ‘The most successful entrepreneurs don’t do everything themselves.’ There are also practical tips on keywords for search engine optimisation that apply to any business website, as well as LinkedIn.

120 Ways To Achieve Your Purpose With LinkedIn is a practical guide to an extraordinarily powerful online network for anyone seeking to take the next steps in their careers or business, authored by someone who not only knows her immediate subject thoroughly but, as a careers adviser and human resources professional, has much career and life wisdom to impart as well.

Max Berry, Author of How to Boost Your Business: Promoting Your Product in a Digital and Multi-Media World

Response from Sue Ellson: Thanks for this extremely comprehensive review Max, written with your own journalistic flair with specific details that enlighten the reader. Yes, I have absolutely tried to include practical suggestions and common sense life skills – as I say in the book, common sense is becoming so uncommon, it is sometimes referred to as \’uncommon sense.\’ Sue Ellson 🙂

18/03/2016 by Amazon Customer via Amazon – Five Stars ★ ★ ★ ★ ★

I am delighted to have been able to finesse my profile to… 120 Ways has given me the opportunity to review my LinkedIn profile to ensure it is purposeful and achieves my objectives. The book is detailed and based on personal experience which makes it a valuable resource. I am delighted to have been able to finesse my profile to achieve maximum value. Congratulations Sue.

Response from Sue Ellson: Thanks for your feedback! I am pleased to hear that you are able to use the book to be more purposeful and more closely aligned to your objectives. I have condensed eight years of consulting, training and advice – so that is why it is so detailed – and the stories within are all examples of real life scenarios. Congratulations on finessing your profile and achieving maximum value. Thanks for the congratulations too! Sue Ellson 🙂

18/03/2016 by Suzanne Zammit via LinkedIn Message

Hi Sue I would like to acknowledge you for writing a book to share your wisdom about social networking with others. I love the way you care about others succeeding Warm regards Suzanne

Response from Sue Ellson: Thanks Suzanne, I appreciate you taking the time to formally acknowledge my work and I trust you will be able to implement the teachings for your purpose! Cheers, Sue Ellson 🙂

17/03/2016 by David Donahoo via Amazon – Four Stars  ★ ★ ★ ★

Great book to get Linked in working for you Sue has shown she has a fantastic understanding of Linked in as a independent person. The activities that she provides are clear and simple. However in completing many of these I found them to be challenging, as explained by Sue early in the book. I highly recommend this book for anyone who wants to get their linked in profile working for them in both Linked in and in google.

Response from Sue Ellson: Thanks David, I appreciate your acknowledgement of my understanding of LinkedIn. I am really pleased to hear that the activities are clear and simple, even when they do go a little outside your comfort zone. Yes, the book is designed to help make sure that your LinkedIn Profile will work within LinkedIn and within Google! Sue Ellson 🙂

17/03/2016 by Suzanne Dunlop via 120 Ways Google+ Page – Five Stars ★ ★ ★ ★ ★

120 ways- is a unique and detailed book which ensures the reader is clear about their purpose for using LinkedIn. Whether the goal is career or for business purposes, the author has given the reader the opportunity to use their ability to maximize their LinkedIn profile to reap maximum benefits. Sue Ellson has written clearly drawing on her vast experience with the subject to help the reader finesse their final product.

Response from Sue Ellson: Thanks Suzanne for your detailed review of \’120 Ways To Achieve Your Purpose With LinkedIn!\’ Yes, it is important to be clear on your purpose first before maximizing your LinkedIn Profile. Yes, I have had a lot of experience working with many different people and I encourage everyone to take action so that they can finesse their final product for their own purpose! Sue Ellson 🙂

17/03/2016 by Victor Hugo Bermudez Flores via LinkedIn post

I think your book is great

Response from Sue Ellson: Wow, thanks Victor, I am pleased to hear you are enjoying it! Sue Ellson 🙂

16/03/2016 Bertus Strydom via personal meeting

Very well structured.

Response from Sue Ellson: Thanks Bertus. It is designed to be a tool to help you go through updating your LinkedIn Profile on your own or with some support. Sue Ellson 🙂

16/03/2016  Melinda Hume-Cook via Amazon – Five Stars ★ ★ ★ ★ ★

A great tool for making Linked in work for you.  A very good resource for those seeking new employment opportunities, as well as helping recruiters and businesses find the right people. Easy to read, full of practical tips, and real life scenarios that make sense. Highly recommended.

Response from Sue Ellson: Thanks for your feedback! Yes the book was designed to be a resource for job seekers – a step-by-step guide for updating your LinkedIn Profile and also for recruiters and businesses to identify quality talent. The real life scenarios are all true too! Sue Ellson 🙂

15/03/2016 James Yu via Goodreads – Three Stars ★ ★ ★

11/03/2016 by Arjun Shirole via Amazon – Five Stars ★ ★ ★ ★ ★

Great tips What an amazing insightful book. I was a LinkedIn user for several years but never really understood it\’s possibilities and the wide range of options it offers. I learnt that having a clear \’purpose\’ is so important. Thank you Sue for compiling this book and I will surely recommend it to all my colleagues.

Response from Sue Ellson: Thanks for your review! Yes, there are many options you can select on LinkedIn – and one of the \’hopes\’ I have in the future is that LinkedIn offers a \’site map\’ so that members can discover so much more! Your purpose is vital as that helps you determine what to do. It was a lot of work to compile the information and I am very pleased to hear that you will be recommending it to your colleagues! Sue Ellson 🙂

09/03/2016 by Jill Weeks via Amazon – Five Stars ★ ★ ★ ★ ★

Good job Sue This book is packed with information and ideal for those wanting to get more out of LinkedIn. Good job Sue!

Response from Sue Ellson: Thanks for your feedback and praise Jill – I am pleased to hear that you found a lot of information in the book and can see how you can get more out of LinkedIn! Thanks for being the first Amazon reviewer too! 🙂 Sue Ellson

29/02/2016 Jill Weeks via phone call

As I usually do when I read a book, I skim through first and then go back through it. Your book has a lot of great information and I have found the Index really helpful.

Response from Sue Ellson: Thanks Jill – yes, the Index took five full days to compile! Sue Ellson 🙂

29/02/2016 Lynette McClenaghan via email

120 Ways To Achieve Your Purpose With LinkedIn is detailed and comprehensive. Your cover of using LinkedIn and advice on how to optimise your career prospects is extensive. Use of anecdote gives your book a personal touch which would appeal to readers. This text is well-structured and table of contents is user friendly.

However, the book is dense and difficult to follow – I really struggled. This book is ideally pitched at intermediate to advanced users of LinkedIn. Any text that deals with computers must have screen shots and diagrams. An example comparable to your text is Euan Mitchell’s book, Your Book Publishing Options. I call this a writer’s bible. I am impressed with the clarity of his work and how he details the many processes an author needs to cover. I would be more interested in a how to on LinkedIn.

Overall, your book presents as prematurely published – a draft rather than a finished product. It needed an editor to reduce its bulk. Most importantly, it needed screen shots without which the text is very difficult to follow. You would have benefitted by engaging Beater readers particularly those unfamiliar with your topic.

Regards Lynette McClenaghan

Response from Sue Ellson: Thanks for the review Lynette, I appreciate your feedback. I chose not to include screen shots as LinkedIn is regularly changing.  I also wanted the book to be more of a strategic tool, rather than a how-to tool (which is why I chose to call it \’120 Ways\’ rather than ‘LinkedIn for Dummies’). The book was prepared with career consultants in mind and as more of a ‘text book’ on LinkedIn. That said, it is also my first book and I can always improve! Euan Mitchell is both a wonderful author and a terrific author advisor! The formatting will be improved before the next round of printing is done. I will also be writing my second two books in a slightly different format. Thanks again for the review! Sue Ellson 🙂

25/02/2016 Fay Libman via LinkedIn message

Hi Sue, It was great to catch up at last nights CDAA-PD. You are looking very well. Thank you for the copy of your book. You\’ve obviously put a lot of work into this. So far what I\’ve managed to read is terrific and I look forward to finishing it. I wish you continued success with the book and the speaking engagements. Good luck with everything. cheers, Fay Libman

Response from Sue Ellson: Thanks Fay, I appreciate your feedback and I am pleased to hear that you are enjoying the book – great stuff! Thanks also for your best wishes. Cheers, Sue Ellson 🙂

24/02/2016 Aaron Brendel via email

I hope the book launch went well! I\’ve started reading, 40 pages in and it\’s good. A lot of the content can be applied to other areas of life and I\’m getting a lot out of it, you\’ve written a really interesting book that\’s full of useful information and I can\’t wait for the next one.

Response from Sue Ellson: Thanks Aaron, I am pleased to hear that you are finding the book useful! Sue Ellson 🙂

23/02/2016 Warren Lester via text message

Sue – Heartfelt congratulations to you on the publishing & launching of the book today. Really pleased for you – you should be very proud. Apologies I had to leave the launch function soon after speeches, and couldn\’t queue to get my copy signed. No offence meant, and I hope non taken. Am certain to be referencing your book frequently as I inted to \’reset\’ my LinkedIn Profile and strategy over the coming weeks.  You probably don\’t realise it, but I (& I am sure many others) draw a lot from your laser-like focus on achieving your objectives while maintaining a commitment to over-delivering on value. Well done – Warren Lester.

Response from Sue Ellson: Thanks Warren – was great to see you there – I did notice!! And no offence taken. Thanks for your specific feedback about \’laser-like focus\’ and \’achieving your objectives.\’ An important part of the book is encouraging readers to take action! I look forward to seeing your edits in the future! Sue Ellson 🙂

23/02/2016 Hugh Davies at the book launch

Sue\’s book is full of enthusiastic advice. Sue makes it clear in her book that LinkedIn is constantly changing so you need someone like Sue to keep you abreast of the changes, what is new and what is different. The book has a wealth of great material and I suspect I will not be the only person tinkering with my own LinkedIn Profile in the future.

Response from Sue Ellson: Thanks Hugh – it is wonderful to be a part of the Macfarlan Lane team and help senior executives with their LinkedIn Profiles. Sue Ellson 🙂

19/02/2016 Jaemin Frazer via Facebook message

Loving your book thanks. Very useful. I\’ve already made some changes to my Linkedin Profile.

Response from Sue Ellson: Thanks Jaemin – so pleased to hear that you are already taking action! Sue Ellson 🙂

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