Book Launch – LinkedIn for me and my career or business

LinkedIn for me and my career or business Book Launch

Book Launch – LinkedIn for me and my career or business

By Sue Ellson

Published by: 120 Ways Publishing
Date: Monday 23 November 2020 12:30pm – 1:30pm online from Melbourne, Victoria, Australia
Author: Sue Ellson
Master of CeremoniesRob Chiarolli
Moderator: Alison Ray
Guests in attendance: – 106
Registrations: – 397 (some registered to receive recording only due to time difference and work commitments)

PowerPoint Slides Content

Book Launch
LinkedIn for me and my career or business
By Sue Ellson
120 Ways Publishing
Melbourne, Australia
Monday 23 November 2020 12:30pm GMT +11

Thank you for coming!

Sue’s first four books
Free to download at

• Top 10 features of LinkedIn in 2020
• Top 10 secrets from the book
• Actions from today
• Author Interview

1. LinkedIn Profile
• Featured section
• Audio messaging
• Audio name pronunciation (10 seconds introduction)
• Events

2. Open to Work
• green Profile Photo ‘scarf’ (if public not just recruiters)
• #opentowork
• #ono (Open New Opportunities)
• select five job titles

3. Showcase Services
• register at
• previously ProFinder

4. Open for Business
• select 10 services
• select location or remote
• #openforbusiness
• announcement post
• link added to Featured

5. Company Page Analytics
• see Follower details
• invite Connections to Follow (100 limited)
• revised engagement Statistics

6. Employee Advocacy
• 300+ Followers can target your Company Page Posts based on Follower profile data including organization size, industry, jobs seniority, geography and language preference
• can add Connections as Teammates
• can give Kudos from Connection’s LinkedIn Profile More button

7. Video
• add native video with .srt captions file
• native videos on Company Pages have their own tab
• LinkedIn Live (application required)

8. Newsfeed
• multiple Reactions (not just Like)
• Send from Newsfeed
• Create Post – Celebrate an Occasion, Find an Expert, Add a LinkedIn Profile (and share details about one of your Connections), Share that you’re hiring, Create a poll or Offer your help

9. Stories
• added in phone app
• image or video
• last 24 hours
• Personal Profile or Company Page

10. Newsletters
• still in Beta
• see My Network if you are subscribed
• first edition goes to all Connections


Secret 1
Read the LinkedIn User Agreement (in particular, Section 8 Do’s and Don’ts)

Secret 2
Complete your own LinkedIn Profile in full (everyone needs an online presence)

Secret 3
Decide what you really need from LinkedIn (avoid chasing shiny objects)

Secret 4
Gather your intelligence – understand the platform and see what others are doing locally and internationally (select the best for you)

Secret 5
Decide what you will do each week (20 minutes) and stick to it (consistency is better than perfection)

Secret 6
Be a Personal Encourager (and keep your Engagement Ratio at around 12:1)

Secret 7
Play nice (do not kill the goose that lays golden eggs)

Secret 8
Be authentic and collaborative (there is enough for all of us)

Secret 9
Share your wisdom in Posts, Articles and Groups (but keep it professional, not personal)

Secret 10
Take action (and do it in small chunks so it is manageable)

Actions for you
Free books
Paid books
YouTube Subscribe
Sue Ellson Follow (14+ people please!)
Sue Ellson Review (thank you in advance)

Chat Transcript

12:31:34 From Matt Baker : A
12:31:35 From Beto Cáceres : A
12:31:37 From Peter Homan : a
12:31:37 From Jill Weeks : A
12:31:38 From Susan Weser : a
12:31:39 From Hazel Bennett : A
12:31:39 From Maria Markman : A
12:31:39 From Ben Heathcote : A
12:31:40 From Peta Rumble : A
12:31:40 From Bruce Howat : o
12:31:41 From Patrick Comerford : A
12:31:41 From Francois Steyn : A
12:31:41 From John Downes : A
12:31:41 From Jo Voight : A
12:31:41 From Terrance Lieschke : A
12:31:41 From Shayne Lorac-Moon : a
12:31:41 From Margaret Collings : A
12:31:42 From 032662 : A
12:31:43 From Carol : A
12:31:44 From Peter Buckingham : A
12:31:44 From Pete Vitnell : a
12:31:46 From Mara Torre : a
12:31:47 From Helen Lawless : a
12:31:49 From Paul : A
12:31:49 From Bruce Howat : Auckland
12:31:50 From Vikki Bell : A
12:31:52 From Ben Heathcote : Adelaide
12:31:52 From Shayne Lorac-Moon : brisbane
12:31:52 From Roderick Smith D73 : A
12:31:53 From Monica Ammrousy : A. Melbourne
12:31:54 From Bianca New : Melbourne
12:31:59 From Patrick Comerford : A
12:32:00 From Richard Bliss : USA
12:32:06 From Sid Clark : Orange County, Calif. USA
12:32:08 From Karen : A
12:32:08 From Kenneth Lang : USA – New Jersey
12:32:10 From Suraya Dewing : O Auckland
12:32:14 From Joanne Olsen : A
12:32:21 From Christina Herbst : USA- New Jersey
12:32:28 From Lorraine Jennings : A
12:32:48 From Judith McLean : O from Vancouver Canada, happy to join you
12:33:22 From Alison Ray : Alison: Hi everyone. I’m in Melbourne, Australia
12:34:27 From Joseph Youhana JP : Melbourne
12:36:51 From Alison Ray : Thank you for joining the book launch of ‘LinkedIn for me and my career or business’ by Sue Ellson and published by 120 Ways Publishing. Sue welcomes any follow up questions directly via and you can buy your own copy of the book online at
12:40:46 From Russ Johns : Over here in Arizona US
12:40:57 From Russ Johns : Thanks for the invitation
12:41:54 From Sharlene Lynch : Sue can you share the link to the books here please

12:42:42 From Alison Ray : Copy these useful links from the chat for your own use: – download free copies of Sue’s first 4 books – the contact details for Sue after this event, and if you have any questions, feedback or would like Sue’s help to make use of her expertise – you can buy your own copy of Sue’s book
12:44:03 From Sharlene Lynch : can you share that link here the slide was too quick
12:44:48 From Matt Baker :
12:45:35 From Jo Voight : The books are available here
12:48:12 From Alison Ray : Don’t forget, we would love to hear your questions and feedback on the book – please write your comments here in the chat. Let’s give Sue some written praise for her efforts!
12:48:25 From Matt Baker : Is it best to post video directly into your personal post feed or on the company page and then share to your personal feed?

It is hard to know which format the algorithm prefers – personally, I would add individually to your LinkedIn Profile and your Company Page, particularly as native videos uploaded to a Company Page will appear under the Videos tab.

12:49:13 From Sharlene Lynch : why are subtitles important in video?

For people to watch the video in silence and for people who can read text but not hear words. It is also possible that the text could help optimise the video.

12:49:53 From Sharlene Lynch : Why LinkedIn over Facebook?

Facebook in my view is more of a daily social interaction. LinkedIn provides a comprehensive Profile, the ability to publish Articles that can be Search Engine Optimised and available indefinitely and my favourite, the ability to increase the size of your international network and keep in touch with people even if you lose their email address or phone number.

12:50:42 From Vikki Bell : Once you subscribe the newsletters keep on coming.

Yes, they keep coming, but not sure if they continue to all Connections or just on a priority basis…

12:50:51 From Sharlene Lynch : would you send the same news letter via LinkedIn as you do to your email list?

It depends. I think most platforms like original content and Google doesn’t like duplicate content at all. I publish my business email newsletters on my website as well as send them out via Mailchimp, so I would try and do something different with LinkedIn. If your Connections are also on your email newsletter mailing list, then definitely do something different. I often invite people who have unsubscribed to my email newsletters to connect on LinkedIn!

12:51:15 From Alison Ray : Thanks Sharlene, great questions and if Sue doesn’t have time to answer today, she’ll contact you with some information.
12:51:25 From Rendle Williams : If you have multiple business interests and a fulltime job, what’s the best approach for your profile?

You need to consider what is your most important priority moving forward. Are you wanting to promote your full time job or your business interests? What do you want people to do when they visit your LinkedIn Profile?

12:52:58 From Maria Markman : What’s Secret 3? We skipped it.

Secret 3
Decide what you really need from LinkedIn (avoid chasing shiny objects) (I accidentally clicked twice instead of once, sorry about that – good pickup!)

12:54:35 From Alison Ray : Great to see everyone here. Remember that you can download Sue’s first four books online and free of charge at

12:54:57 From Carol : Love the personal encourager secret

Thank you Carol!

12:56:20 From Alison Ray : Don’t forget to post your questions here if you want more details!

12:57:06 From Sid Clark : What “Don’t” in the User Agreement do you feel is the most often broken? What proportion of these offenses are by intent versus through ignorance?

I don’t know them all by heart, but I believe connecting with people and then spamming them with a sales pitch is probably the most annoying. I believe that people doing this know that it is wrong.

12:57:12 From Sharlene Lynch : please post links here in chat
12:57:36 From Matt Baker :

12:57:44 From Jacqui Rochester : Will we get a copy of the slides?

See above on this page of the 120 Ways Publishing website.

12:57:45 From Alison Ray : Copy these useful links from the chat for your own use: – download free copies of Sue’s first 4 books – the contact details for Sue after this event, and if you have any questions, feedback or would like Sue’s help to make use of her expertise – you can buy your own copy of Sue’s book
13:00:03 From Wendy McWilliams : What are the benefits of having both a company page as well as a personal page when the person is a sole trader?

Several – you will see a logo on your LinkedIn Profile, you can have all of your Posts on the Company Page in one scroll, you can attract Followers and Invite Connections to Follow you and once you have over 300, you can target specific audiences when you Post.

13:00:07 From Joseph Youhana JP : LinkedIn is professional business platform. Can we keep it this way? Sometimes I see posts that celebrate birthdays and religious festivals which make it become similar to other social media profiles. Can we do something about it?

It is very much ‘self moderated’ and I agree that personal information does not belong on LinkedIn. There is the ability to make suggestions to LinkedIn via a Support Ticket at

13:02:01 From Pip Macdonald : Is there a way of making your connections or a post not visible to a certain category of followers (ie competitors) I miss the Facebook function of tailoring your posts to your audience

Not at this stage although that could be an option in Sales Navigator, but I don’t have SN. I do not worry about my competitors knowing about what I do or seeing what I have produced as I am always updating my offerings and I feel that there is enough opportunity for all of us. I also learn from what others publish.

13:03:20 From Karen : How do you authenticate invitations you receive? and how do you know if it is spam?

I check a few different metrics – their number of Followers (more than 60), location (I favour Australians), photo or not, quality of their content on their LinkedIn Profile and relevance to my network or my content. I accept most people in Australia unless they look like they will want to sell me something I don’t need. However, for you, I believe it depends on what your purpose is and whether or not their details are aligned. LinkedIn suggests you should only connect with people you know. That would be one way to ensure it wasn’t spam. If I get spammed after connecting, I report and block and remove the Connection. If I get a bad vibe, I say no.

13:03:36 From Sharlene Lynch : Why do you think LinkedIn has become so spammy?

Because some people will do whatever it takes to make a quick buck. That is why I always report bad or suspicious behaviour and now that spammers know there are more members visiting LinkedIn regularly, it has increased it’s popularity as a platform they try to exploit. LinkedIn is quite good at adjusting the algorithm to detect bad behaviour and suspend or remove access to annoying people.

13:04:33 From Sid Clark : Thank you for the answer to my question, Sue! (LOL my engineering mind …)
13:06:15 From Vikki Bell : Newsfeed can be very distracting – how do you stay focused on what is relevant without skewing the rest of what you then see?

Tough question Vikki. You can select items that are not relevant (via the three dots) and choose Hide or Report if the content is off putting. What you scroll over, especially for a long ‘dwell time,’ will ‘show’ LinkedIn that you are ‘interested’ in the content. If you have some people or Companies you really want to engage with, you may like to put the link to their profile and pages in your own spreadsheet and copy/paste and view as you like.

13:06:58 From Sim, Qmani : Congratulations on your book launch, enjoyed your workshops and looking forward to read your book.
13:07:18 From Russ Johns : Question? How are events working or what are a few best practices for using events for Livestreams and scheduled events.

I am pleased to see that we can now download the list of guests for events. Like most activities, it depends on your level of commitment and whether or not you are willing to invite selected Connections and send out reminders. This year, there are many no-shows, so you always need to factor in some incentive for attending. Charging does not guarantee attendance either. Best practices – appropriate title, imagery and description and include the online link in the Event (not only to registered guests because some people cannot find the emailed link). Livestream – turning up at the same time and day on a weekly basis and not too long and straight into value as so many people have a short attention span. Repurposing the content is also important (ie adding links to your Lives on your website).

13:07:19 From Alastair Lee : Well done Sue on the publication – great presentation just now too!
13:07:49 From Russ Johns : I’m looking for a reasonable workflows and strategy that works.

Build your LinkedIn Profile – Personal Profile and Company Page. Publish content on your website. Share it on your social media and Google My Business. Respond to all Comments and Shares. Meanwhile, engage with other people’s content, endorse for Skills, write Recommendations and post Kudos. Rinse and repeat. If you need more sales, research very carefully and build relationships before insisting on sales.

13:08:54 From Anne Marie Kim : Thanks! Congrats on your book launch.
13:09:27 From Leonore : What are your thoughts on accepting connection requests from people you don’t know? I had been previously advised that I should only accept LinkedIn requests from people I have met, or been introduced to, but I have also been in course that told me that I should ‘be generous’ in accepting connection requests (i.e. accept them from people I don’t know.) I am wary of this if the person has not given a good reason for connecting. Would love to know your thoughts!

As mentioned above. I also believe that being connected to more people (up to 30,000), you are more likely to appear in their LinkedIn searches in the future.

13:12:24 From Alison Ray : Last chance to enter your question or feedback to win a Top Level Review of your LinkedIn Profile…get typing now.
13:13:12 From Kerri Flanagan : Thank you and congratulations, excellent work,need to leave.
13:14:07 From Sian Stephens : Amazing achievement Sue, well done
13:14:31 From Sian Stephens : Very insightful and helpful as always
13:15:38 From Kenneth Lang : Best of luck, Sue – looking forward to stay in touch with you
13:15:45 From Vikki Bell : I have been working with university students – are there any tips that I can share with them now that dedicated area of LinkedIn has disappeared?

There is some information from LinkedIn at and I have written this piece that may be helpful and the LinkedIn YouTube Channel may also be helpful

13:17:32 From Melita Long : Thanks Sue, great overview of the many benefits and opportunities in LinkedIn. Can’t wait to read the book. Thanks for encouraging people to be kind and for your candid insights into writing a book as well. Only 4 more followers needed now 🙂

Thanks Melita, now at 301 – woo hoo – features now available!

13:18:11 From Terrance Lieschke : how can you attract people to your LinkedIn profile when you are looking for a career change but using your current skills? any tips on how to attract people from outside your industry.

Your photo, headline and summary need to reflect your current or future goals and if you have transferable skills from your past, putting the most relevant ones at the top of each past role will help the person reading your LinkedIn Profile see that you could be right for a new role in a new industry. Once you have updated your LinkedIn Profile, you can then find people who would be open to connecting and ask for ‘information’ (not a job) and this could lead to a referral which will help you be recognised in a new industry.

13:24:23 From Leonore : Thanks Sue for always being so generous with your wisdom!
13:24:48 From Vikki Bell : Sue – That would be great! It is something I do pro bono so thanks
13:25:18 From Shayne Lorac-Moon : I use this LinkedIn resource with higher ed students


13:25:41 From Warren Frehse : Great book launch event today Sue!! Congratulations on your new book!! It will no doubt be a valuable resource for job seekers, professionals, and business owners alike. Fantastic take-away tips from today too!!
13:26:10 From Roderick Smith : Thank you Sue for sharing your knowledge and expertise with us today, I enjoyed todays in depth session and I am looking forward to the next one.
13:26:35 From Sid Clark : Even “companies of one” need LinkedIn company pages to “wall in the garden.”
13:27:18 From Rendle Williams : Woo hoo!
13:27:41 From Melita Long : Thanks again Sue, I need to go, great session 🙂
13:27:42 From Pip Macdonald : Many thanks – such a helpful session – I learned a lot and I look forward to sharing it with all my university students!
13:27:45 From Sian Stephens : Well done Sue
13:27:46 From Susan Weser : Thanks Sue for a wonderful session!
13:27:51 From Leonie Lam : Congratulations Sue. I am so happy for you 🙂
13:28:02 From 032662 : Thank you very much Sue, and congratulations on the book launch.
13:28:05 From Jacqui Rochester : Look forward to getting the book Sue. Thank you.
13:28:08 From Elizabeth Okada : Thank you. Interesting information.
13:28:11 From Bianca New : Thank Sue, congratulations on the new book! Super presentation 🙂
13:28:12 From Ben Heathcote : Thanks Sue. Look forward to improving my personal and school profiles:)
13:28:13 From Beto Cáceres : Thank you Sue, an congratulations!
13:28:14 From Bruce Howat : Thank you – good lessons within lessons
13:28:18 From Barry Jenner : Thank you Sue and Rob. Well done & best wishes. Barry
13:28:20 From Vikki Bell : Great timing! Thanks you . I have to leave but reaaly loved this launch – keep doing what you are doing Sue!
13:28:20 From Sisay : Thanks Sue for all your contributions for many years.
13:28:27 From Maria Markman : Congratulations, Sue! Thank you for the event.
13:28:27 From Shayne Lorac-Moon : Thank Sue – great way to spend lunch time. Can’t wait to get the book
13:28:29 From Hazel Bennett : thank you Sue
13:28:32 From Pip Macdonald : In response to the avoiding spam I saw a good post by Digital Picnic – Cherie said to put an emoji there that deters bots The emoji goes just before your name

Unfortunately this would probably be a breach of the LinkedIn User Agreement if added to the name field. The bot could still message you but you would be able to ‘tell’ that it was from a bot and not a real person.

13:28:38 From Stephen Lake : Thanks Sue
13:28:40 From Jill Weeks : Thanks Sue, Great presentation. Congrats and Good luck with the book
13:28:42 From Roderick Smith : Looking forward to reading the books as well.
13:28:45 From jérome chanson : Thanks a lot Sue for sharing this event!!! Very insightful indeed. Congratulations on the book!!! Well done and thanks to everyone involved in the organisation of this event!!!
13:28:54 From Lorraine Jennings : Thanks Sue, an amazing wealth of knowledge on LI and for always giving of your time. – Lorraine
13:28:56 From Maria Markman : I purchased the digital book when confirming my attendance to this event. Where can I download it from?

It will be emailed to you Maria.

13:29:02 From Trish Dolan : Thanks Sue, look forward to working with you again in 2021!

Absolutely Trish – three years running!

13:29:03 From Helen Lawless : Thanks Sue for your presentation and congratulations on your book launch.
13:29:04 From Ann : Thank you Sue that was great!
13:29:12 From Christina Herbst : Thank you Sue!
13:29:38 From Anne Marie Kim : For me, the one word that stuck to my mind is: Deadline!

Amen sister!

13:30:33 From Christine Hopper : Hi Sue
13:30:50 From Sheridan Hawkins : Thanks!
13:31:18 From Christine Hopper : Thank you for your encouragement to keep updating.
13:31:46 From Cecilia : Kudos to you Sue. You are amazing. Thank you for sharing your expertise.
13:32:29 From Tony Jackson : Thanks Sue, very inspiring and good work Alison!
13:32:33 From Ernesto Pereira : hi Sue, thanks for the presentation..just wanted to know by what date are we expecting the hardcopies of the book to be shipped within Australia?

Hopefully by the end of next week – have a few last minute edits and approvals – will send you a digital copy in the meantime (no extra charge).

13:33:00 From Helen : Thanks Sue, very inspiring to listen to you
13:33:03 From Jennifer SIMMONS : Thanks for keeping us all up to date with LinkedIn Sue and for being so generous sharing your wisdom. You’re a great role model and it is much appreciated
13:33:41 From Cecilia : Will you be sharing the link to the recording?

13:58:16 From Peter Buckingham : thanks Sue. Have to go to another meeting.
13:58:26 From Peter Buckingham : Good luck with the book.
13:58:29 From Peter Buckingham : Speak soon.
14:00:17 From Roderick Smith : Thanks again Sue, I have to go now and best of luck with the book, Speak again soon.
14:00:29 From Leonore : Thanks again Sue!
14:00:38 From Russ Johns : Thank you everyone and it’s been great
14:00:44 From Matt Baker : Thank you, Sue!
14:00:51 From Russ Johns : Gratitude
14:00:57 From Sim, Qmani : thanks Sue
14:01:03 From Mara Torre : Thanks, bye

Winners of the Top Level Profile Review

Sharlene Lynch

Rendle Williams

Wendy McWilliams

Vikki Bell

Pip McDonald

These winners will be contacted and given some ‘top level’ tips on how to improve their LinkedIn Profile. You can learn more about Sue Ellson’s services here.

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