Book Launch – 120 Ways To Attract The Right Career Or Business by Sue Ellson

Please join us to celebrate the second book by well known Independent LinkedIn Specialist, Sue Ellson at Elyros, 871 Burke Road, Camberwell, Melbourne, Victoria, Australia 3124 on Tuesday 24 May 2016 at 6pm.
This is your chance to hear Sue\’s latest tips on how to attract the right career or business and purchase an exclusively signed copy of her second book – just $29.99
‘120 Ways To Attract The Right Career Or Business – Tried And True Tips And Techniques’ is for:
- defining your highest values and purpose
- clarifying your vision and overcoming your challenges
- building your attraction power, lifetime value and dynamic value
- securing the right career or business opportunities
- developing your presence, brand and networks
- learning, leading and laughing your way to success
It includes information for:
- students, job seekers and career changers
- freelancers, entrepreneurs and business owners
- advisers, consultants and thought leaders
- coaches, trainers and mentors
- anyone who wants to leverage their skills, knowledge and networks
This thorough, practical and detailed guide provides you with the key strategies and techniques, based on your purpose, that you can implement today for your success in the future.
Tuesday, 24 May 2016 from 6:00pm to 7:00pm (AEST)
Elyros – 871 Burke Road, Camberwell, VIC 3124, Australia
French sparkling wine and delicious Greek snacks will be served
These links came via the Evvnt app with Eventbrite—120-ways-to-attract-the-right-career-or-business–at–camberwell/event_E0-001-091976128-4
This is our second book launch – check out the story from the first book launch for \’120 Ways To Achieve Your Purpose With LinkedIn\’ here (includes audio, video and photos!).
On the night, Rob Chiarolli introduced Sue Ellson to talk about \’120 Ways To Attract The Right Career Or Business\’ and then Sharon Davey spoke about her book, Awesome Careers for Gen Ys, then Zofia Nowicka about her colouring book, Pictures Off The Wall. 44 people attended and 20 people purchased either \’120 Ways To Achieve Your Purpose With LinkedIn\’ or \’120 Ways To Attract The Right Career Or Business\’ – both books are available at Dymocks in Camberwell.
Listen to the Audio Recording of the Book Launch here (00:18:00 24.9MB).
Rob: Thank you. My name is Rob Chiarolli. I’ve had the privilege of Sue asking me to introduce her tonight. But looking around the room, I’m sure she doesn’t really need an introduction. I think most people would know Sue very well by now but, you know, I will do the do, I will do it properly. I think most of you know that Sue’s an independent LinkedIn consultant and…
[People laughing]
Rob: Can we get the music down? Excuse me.
Operator: Yes.
Rob: Sorry. Sue’s an independent LinkedIn consultant and I think that’s where she does a lot of her work. I’ll put my glasses on, so I can very read my notes, I’ve been very efficient here. She’s obviously also a trainer. She’s got a history as a career adviser. On the table there you can see she’s a writer, and an author, and also a speaker, and she also consults in digital marketing and WordPress web design and teaches in that as well. Now, a little fun fact that you might not all know about, and you probably will if you read the book, because I have, is that she’s been on LinkedIn since 2003. She’s one of the first 80,000 people on LinkedIn. So, you know, she’s been in the networking game and promotion game for quite some time.
Tonight, we’re looking at her second book. Her first book is on LinkedIn. You can see that on the table there. So she’s putting words into action and I can tell you I’ve read through this book. And there is a lot of information there. She’s actually doing me out of a job, I’m a business coach and there is so much business coaching, life coaching, career coaching, messages in that that will keep you occupied for weeks and so it’s a very easy read. I think one of the things I’ve noticed on this one, Sue, is that there are a lot of personal stories and to so you’ve actually given a lot of yourself in this. So that makes it a much easier read as well, but I commend for that because it’s pretty hard to put your personal stories in there and there are some tough ones in there as well. So well done with that. It’s packed with real life scenarios and actions and one of the things I’ve got out of that is one of the quotes you’ve put in there that ‘life should be a safe journey but its not always a smooth journey. There’s always challenges and so she reveals a lot of the challenges that she‘s faced and beaten in this book so, very well done.
As I said, look it really is a business coaching journal and manual in one. She can package this. So you could package this and sell it like some of these development courses you’ve gone for 5 to 10,000 bucks and put it in a a nice thing but she’s actually giving you all this information for nothing. There’s stuff there about values and purpose, the importance of support networks, the importance of having a belief system and how certain beliefs can limit your future and what you achieve. And so, you need to challenge some of the beliefs that you’ve got. The importance of responsibility and fairness in everything you do. And the need to learn and change what you do, and don’t just stick to what you’ve done in the past and seek help if you don’t know this stuff, seek help from other people and keep accountable to what you’ve learned.
There are three main areas when you read through the book that I really pulled out of it, Sue. I’m sure other people will pull other things out but I love your act principle. Action Changes Things. So if you take action, you will change things so I love that. Also, the concept of capital and the seven different forms of capital that are in there: social, intellectual, cultural, financial, gratitude, relationship and influence, and these are all things you need to develop if you’re looking for a job or looking to start of business. I found that one really important. And the final thing was the values of how it’s important with anything you do, whether it’s a job or a business, that it aligns with your important values and of course, you cover both the job and the business side of things.
And look, just to cut it short before I pass on to Sue and she can tell more about the book. My favorite action is action number 89. If you go through the actions, there’s a 120 of them there. So if you do one a day, it will keep you going for a while. But this is really reflective of Sue this action. It is the ‘be a lifelong learner’ and I think that represents Sue very much. She calls herself a learning junkie in the book and I think she’s done most likely every course and development book and read everything there is to do with personal development and the final message I’ve got from that and which is Sue to a tee is do everything with a smile on your face. So I’ll pass over to smiling Sue to tell us more about her book. Thanks, Sue.
Sue: Thank you Rob. Well, first of all, thank you all for coming. I really appreciate you coming along to mix and mingle and I did really hope that you might make see really great connections because I’ve been networking for a very long time and there is a number of people in this room who have known me as a networker for a very long time. And I started off this year with a bit of a mission. Rob knows what it is because although he says everything’s written in the book, I’ve actually decided I still need a real person to achieve my mission this year, which is to have a simpler life. I did set the time of writing three books but you know Rob and I are going to work together. And the next time we get together, he’s going to help me work out what the heck does a simpler life look like because my life is quite interesting. But I did say out with a mission for writing three books, and as I said at my first launch, I’ve been collecting tips for a very long time. And I classify myself now as an experienced trainer because I’ve been training since 1987. I’m a professional learner because I go to so many events you know. There’s a number of people in the room who’ve seen me at events and I really love learning new information.
And then I am a consultant in practice and then, I heard on the radio or somewhere just recently. No. It was the career guy, Lawrence, who’s written a book on careers and he talks about the different types of books that you can write. And so, Henk would know all about this from Dymocks in Camberwell, which is where the book will be available by the way and thank you as always Henk for supporting my books. But there’s different types of books you can write, you can write how to’s. You can write memoirs. You can write lists, and then I started thinking about it and I thought, “Oh my goodness. I’ve put all of those in one book.” Because there really, as Rob said, I put a bit more of my personal story in it because the first book I wrote, I felt after I’d written that, it was a little bit clinical and I didn’t really tell much of a story. Most of us relate to more stories. So I’ve put it out there. I didn’t really feel comfortable doing that. It’s a little bit challenging for me to share my personal story but I’ve done it in the hope that it helps you understand ways that you can attract the right career or business. Because I think it’s really important that you follow your purpose and anybody who’s here, who’s in career development. That’s what we work on, helping people achieve this living a life with purpose according to their highest values and working out what the values are can be tricky.
I’ve also got a 120 Ways Publishing Membership Program. So if you join that, you also get access to the digital files. So it’s still yet to upload. I was still writing the book on Thursday night and so I really want to acknowledge Ingram Spark for getting it printed for me by yesterday afternoon. I mean that people know that, that is just like almost impossible to get a printer to print a book that quickly, so I really appreciate that. I’ve really used a lot of the principles here from my first book so I got the same design and I’ve got another book coming out on the 23rd of August which you will also be in Camberwell, which is a 120 Ways to Market Your Business Hyper Locally.
So the first book was LinkedIn. This book is about LinkedIn, Google Plus, Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, websites, networking and so on. And the next one is about, now that you’ve got your business how do you actually keep it maintained. Now, of course I’ve also come up with the idea for a fourth one, which is, once you’ve got your business, how do you keep it going and how do you get out of it. Because every entrepreneur should think about that when they start a business. So yes, it’s nearly 80,000 words, not quite. Most people tell me that a book is normally 40,000, so you’re getting two books in one. So Rob amongst many other people have told me you shouldn’t be putting them all in one book Sue. There’s six books there and blah blah blah. If you can make products, you can make money but that’s not the sort of person I am. I just like giving value and I like sharing what I’ve learnt because I think it’s really important.
The book is dedicated to my children. My children are inspirations to me. Carmen made a very courageous decision recently, which I’m very proud of. And my son Peter, I don’t know anybody who can get 15 job interviews in one week and I didn’t tell him what to do. So that just goes to show you that he is somebody who perseveres more than anybody. This book also reflects on some of the stories of some of my clients so that’s included as well. And I’m going to be speaking at the Career Development Association of Australia conference on Thursday about “Digital Disruption is Out, the Digital Era is In’ and it’ll be recorded. So there’s always lots of information on my website. So if ever you know somebody who’s looking for information related to careers or business, they can always check out my website and see where I’m going.
Today, I was teaching at the CAE ‘How to promote your website free of charge’ and I’ve got a bunch of groupies who come to all my courses now so that’s quite fun. And I’m about to start teaching at RMIT University as well as General Assembly, which is really a cutting edge digital agency for digital training which I’m really excited about as well but focusing on LinkedIn. So there’s lots to the story. There’s going to be lots more to the story.
Audience: Very simple ones.
Sue Ellson: As you can understand, it does need to be changed a little so it’s simpler but on Sunday night I go away to write again and I go down to the sea and I write down there and I love the sea air and it’s truly fantastic. I really like to thank you all for coming. Now, there’s two other lovely ladies who’ve written books with me tonight. So first of all, Sharon, could you come up and tell us a little bit about your book.
Sharon Davey: Thank you very much.
Sue: So, she’s had the courage to put a book together on Awesome Careers for Gen Ys. So tell us a little bit about it.
Sharon: Okay, this is a very positive and practical book for Gen Ys and their parents because it was actually their parents who kept coming to me and saying, “Oh, Sharon, what do I say to them?” And so, I thought that the parents could work with their Gen Y children to forward their process with career exploration.
Sue: Great.
Sharon: It does take a bit of different look at careers and it is also, as I say, very practical very positive, Gen Ys I’ve defined as babies born from 1980 to 2000. So in that sort of era.
Sue: Gen Y
Sharon: It’s a very wonderful thing to write a book.
Sue: Yes
Sharon: It sort of changes you in the process and it’s really good. But I’m actually working on one for baby boomers next.
Sue: Ah, a very good idea. Yes, a new market there.
Sharon: Yes, I don’t want to mention the R word myself. So retirement is not in my…
Sue: Well, Jackie’s got a good word for it. What is it Jackie? Protirement.
Jackie Rothberg: Protirement
Sue: Protirement
Sharon: I know. I’m not even willing to go there.
Sue: Yeah, no, well, I have written an article called ‘do you want to be seen as a guru or a dinosaur.’ And I guarantee you as I get older, I want to be a guru, not a dinosaur.
Sharon: Absolutely. But anyway, so thank you very much.
Sue: You’re most welcome.
Sharon: It’s much appreciated you allowing me to bring the book along.
Sue: Yes. And they’re available for $25 signed as well. So Zofia, would you like to tell us about your book?
Zofia: Yes.
Sue: Does anybody else have a book? You can join us here. You can tell us about your book.
Zofia: This is coloring book. I’m an artist and I’ve decided that, I met Sue a year and a half ago and I had an idea for a business, and she said, “Who are you?” “I’m an artist.” “No, you should do what your passion is.” And after half a year of struggling, it got me, I decided, no, I have to push this idea. So, I am an artist who has, I have a number of exhibitions, I run an art gallery. This is part of my life and I thought, coloring book. This is something that people may be interested and living in Fitzroy, I thought I don’t think they will want traditional flowery, nymph type of designs and I use a little different edge and this is graffiti. Fitzroy, very Melbourne Fitzroy line graffiti. So I put it into a book.
Which, this is the first book that I put on Amazon but I did was so big. I put too much in one. So I split the book into three,
Sue: Oh wow.
Zofia: Three series. One is this one and the others will be pictures of the world, little creatures, which are unusual creatures that artists are putting on a book. And the third one will be just painted for ladies. The subject of women in the graffiti and how the girl, the artists are presenting women in the graffiti art.
So they’re all on my computer and the first one will be for children. The work that I’ve done 15 years ago and I had an exhibition of those doodles that I learned when I was learning Photoshop. Then, out of those doodles on using my gadgets, from tablets and pen, I created a small exhibition and I thought I can use those images for children because I already had a very good response from children. So this is the three books in the pipeline. They all are in what I’m speaking my Amazon, to my website, pictures of the world starting with this design.
Sue: Good.
Zofia: English design, English website company. I mean, his from England but he lives now here now, and he loves it. So he understood immediately what we are working on the website. So this is it.
Sue: Good. Excellent. Well, thank you Zofia.
Zofia: And the book is on Amazon under my name, Pictures of the World.
Sue: Excellent. And what I’m so pleased about is you look completely different to that woman who was trapped in the coffee machine around that time.
Zofia: I still love coffee.
Sue: And I sometimes have to tell this story about Zofia. Because, you know, people get, I do, but I don’t say your name.
Zofia: No, no. You can even say my name. That’s fine.
Sue: No but I say I had to meet with this lady and tell her she was wasting her time and to stop. It’s really difficult to do that when somebody has invested a lot of money after they’ve been to a ra-ra seminar. But, you know, as career advisers and stuff, we have to be courageous enough to say, no, sorry
Zofia: I don’t know. I really appreciate it.
Sue: Sorry.
Zofia: I think since, what I’ve learned from this one hour with Sue was I got to ask for help. Don’t do it all yourself. I was trying to do everything on my own and it was just impossible. It was too much.
Audience: It’s amazing.
Sue: All right.
Zofia: Well, thank you.
Sue: Thank you. So, that pretty much wraps the formal part of this evening. So again thank you for coming. The next book launch will be on the 23rd of August here in Camberwell and Lanyon Partners, of course, I haven’t started writing the book. As I’ve said, this one was only finished on Thursday night but I’m actually starting this one early. I’m starting on Sunday night. You know, how cool is that? So I’m getting closer to the simpler life. But really and truly, thank you for coming. It’s great that you’re able to be here. Please network. Please make the most of this opportunity. Please enjoy the great food. And thank you to Elyros for supplying that. And yeah, enjoy the rest of your night.