Work Capable not just Job Ready – it’s time for Work Capacity Training

Work Capable not just Job Ready – it’s time for Work Capacity Training

The skills to get a job are different to the skills to do a job. Sacha Payne, Senior Journalist at SBS in her article on ‘Finding work can be an uphill battle for skilled migrants’  in SBS News on 12 June 2016 implies that new arrivals could just Anglicise their name to find work in Australia.

Sue Ellson, author of the recently released book ‘120 Ways To Attract The Right Career Or Business’ and Founder of Newcomers Network says that ‘this is just one of many job search techniques to help newcomers source work in Australia. Applying for 200 jobs online is a poor technique and if the candidate did not secure even one job interview through this process, it is clear that his application was not appropriate for any of the advertised positions.’

In the run up to the Australian election, there are a variety of policy promises around jobs, trade, entrepreneurship, apprenticeships and employment equality. The significant changes in the Australian manufacturing, resources and telecommunications industries have generated large groups of individuals who are currently ‘seeking work.’

Ms Ellson says, ‘There are many different individuals in Australia who have challenges finding work – and it is not just because the nature of jobs has changed. It is because they are not work capable. They need to have excellent levels of English literacy, digital competency that is related to the role and relevant job skills and training aligned to the position.’

‘To find work, they need different skills again, not just a perfect resume or LinkedIn Profile. They need to be able to select the right career and then apply or attract the right job, secure the role and then adjust to the new workplace and these are completely different skills to doing a job.’

Ms Ellson is also an Associate Member of the Career Development Association of Australia (CDAA) and she has provided direct assistance to individuals and groups looking for work across a range of sectors.

‘Helping a person take full responsibility for their future success is vital. I work directly on training career seekers with specific job search and attraction techniques. The best job search outcomes involve job search training, skills training, mentoring, workplace and cultural training.’

‘Employers and enterprises are also becoming more time poor – so the concept of creating work capable individuals is vital. I don’t know of any employer or HR manager who wants to sift through 200 job applications looking for a candidate who might be work capable – but if a person is work capable and can be easily found, this is extremely attractive to an employer.’


Career and job seekers in Melbourne have an opportunity to develop their work capacity by attending the free \’Reinvent Your Career’ Expo at the Melbourne Convention and Exhibition Centre on 25 and 26 June 2016. It includes workshops, seminars and personal career advice sessions as well as over 1,000 real jobs. The expo brings together some of Australia’s leading employers, government departments, major educators and trainers over two days.

Alternatively, Ms Ellson recommends that individuals looking for work reach out to a professional Career Specialist for personalised assistance. ‘Some people spend more money on going out for dinner than they do on their career. Considering how many hours we spend at work and the value this provides to the economy, now is the time for individuals to accept full responsibility for developing their personal work capacity.’

Media Contacts: 

Sue Ellson
120 Ways Publishing
sueellson @
+61 402 243 271

Adam Riccuiti
Everybody\’s Career Company
adam @
+61 411 893 486

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