UniSA Career Services welcomes everyone to a free LinkedIn Workshop on Thursday 21 April 2016 9-11am

UniSA Career Services welcomes everyone to a free LinkedIn Workshop on Thursday 21 April 2016 9-11am

5 April 2016 Adelaide, SA

The University of South Australia Career Services https://i.unisa.edu.au/students/student-support-services/career-services/ has invited former Adelaidean, Melbourne based author and UniSA alumni Sue Ellson back to their City Campus for a free LinkedIn Workshop on Thursday 21 April 2016 from 9am to 11am.

Sue Ellson has recently published her first book ‘120 Ways To Achieve Your Purpose With LinkedIn.’ Sue is one of the first 100,000 members in the world to join LinkedIn (she joined in 2003) and she has been consulting, advising and training on the topic of LinkedIn since 2008. Her book consolidates eight years of experience in 80,000 words and allows readers to maximise LinkedIn for their purpose.

Matt Purdy, from CareerShop at UniSA says that ‘It is our pleasure to welcome Sue Ellson back to UniSA for a LinkedIn Workshop that is open to everyone. Sue provided two excellent workshops for our students and alumni last year and as she will be in Adelaide for a book signing at Dymocks in Rundle Mall on the same day, we snapped up the chance to host a free LinkedIn Workshop that is open to everyone from 9am to 11am on Thursday 21 April 2016.’

LinkedIn is an extremely powerful online platform for networking, job search and business. With over 415 million members worldwide and more than 7 million members in Australia, LinkedIn has profiles for 90% of professionals in Australia. It also provides individuals and enterprises with excellent Google search results (95% of people will be ‘Googled’ before a new job or business takes place). [Source: LinkedIn 2016].

Sue Ellson’s personal journey is also interesting. After moving from Adelaide to Melbourne in 1994, she spent three years reading books related to finding the right career. She developed a personal mind map framework that allows individuals to select their next vocation aligned with their purpose and she has personally helped hundreds of people move towards and achieve their purpose.

Sue says that ‘When I was in recruitment at Westpac in Adelaide, it was wonderful to be able to tell someone they had just got the job. It is even more exciting when I work with a client now and they get the job or business opportunities they want, especially when it is aligned with their own purpose. Securing an opportunity is a different skill set to completing a task and many people do not know how to go about it, especially in the new digital world.’


To find out more and register for the LinkedIn Workshop with Sue Ellson from 9am – 11am on Thursday 21 April 2016 in the Sir Hans Heysen Building, HH5-08 (Level 5, Room 08), University of South Australia City West Campus, 55 North Terrace, Adelaide, visit https://unisalinkedinmasterclass.eventbrite.com.au


The book signing will be at Dymocks, 153 Rundle Mall, Adelaide from 12-2pm on Thursday 21 April 2016, visit https://dymocksadelaide.eventbrite.com.au

Media Contacts: 

Sue Ellson
120 Ways Publishing
sueellson @ sueellson.com
+61 402 243 271

Matt Purdy
UniSA Career Shop
Matt.Purdy @ unisa.edu.au
+61 481 012 268

Louise – Special Orders
Dymocks Adelaide
adelaide.travel @ dymocks.com.au
+61 8 8223 5380


Now online at https://www.newsmaker.com.au/news/49010/unisa-career-services-welcomes-everyone-to-a-free-linkedin-workshop-on-thursday-21-april-2016-911am#.VxCQRvl94dU

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