About Us

120 Ways Publishing About Us

\"120120 Ways Publishing is an independent business enterprise that produces content that collects ideas around a topic or theme which then inspires you to take action that ultimately leads to innovation.


Started by Founder and Director Sue Ellson on 5 August 2014, the domain name was registered on 5 August 2014 and the business name was registered on 21 December 2015.


Ideas, Inspiration, Innovation To produce content that collects ideas around a topic or theme which then inspires you to take action that ultimately leads to innovation.


  • to publish relevant books in paperback, digital (PDF and EPUB) and audio format
  • to provide a relevant membership program for ongoing updates and support related to the books
  • share up to date insights related to the books via our blog, newsletter, social media and online
  • provide informative content for other enterprises and educators

Target Audience

  • anyone who is interested in learning and willing to take action to achieve results
  • individuals, small business owners and consultants in practice
  • avid readers and ambitious individuals


Sometimes the smallest action can create enormous benefit – for you personally or for others.

Our aim is to make sure that we give you lots of options so that you can choose what works for you!

We want to be a valued, trusted and useful resource for people who want to improve their life, career or business and provide practical options for implementation.

Our first book \’120 Ways To Achieve Your Purpose With LinkedIn\’ was launched on 23 February 2016 at Dymocks Book Store in Camberwell, Melbourne, Victoria, Australia – details here.

The second book \’120 Ways To Attract The Right Career Or Business\’ was launched on 24 May 2016 at Elyros in Camberwell, Melbourne, Victoria, Australia – details here.

The third book \’120 Ways To Market Your Business Hyper Locally\’ was launched on 23 August 2016 at Lanyon Partners in Camberwell, Melbourne, Victoria, Australia – details here.

The fourth book, \’Gigsters: Any Age or Ability Employees, Experts and Entrepreneurs\’ was launched on 18 May 2019 at The Wheeler Centre in Melbourne, Victoria, Australia.

Contact and Connection Details

Email info [at] 120ways.com

Telephone +61 402 243 271

Website https://120ways.com


Facebook https://www.facebook.com/120ways

Google Business Site https://120ways.business.site

Instagram https://www.instagram.com/120ways/

LinkedIn Company https://www.linkedin.com/company/120-ways-publishing

True Local https://www.truelocal.com.au/business/120-ways-publishing/canterbury

Twitter https://twitter.com/120ways

YouTube https://www.youtube.com/c/120wayss

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Connect on social media via the links above

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We also welcome enquiries from people or businesses who would like to advertise on the website, in the newsletter or via our publications (provided they are ethically aligned with our mission and vision).

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